Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Paid Sick Days: Unintended (or Is It Intended?) Consequences

One of today's leftist propaganda stories from AOL "News" and the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press"  (always use complete, official name in firs reference) is that there is a push (leftist--although that part is not stated) in 12 states to REQUIRE employers to provide paid sick days.  The story, of coures, says that this push for state laws results from the fact that leftist federal legislation along these lines has "stalled".  This is the opposite of how things should work.  The state and local level is where things like this SHOULD be done, always, instead of continually adding to the power of the federal government.

Another leftist stupidity, but IF there are going to be any such laws they should be on a state level, where they can be more easily reversed.  You say you don't understand why I call this a leftist stupidity?  You should not admit your intellectyual failings like that. 

Do these states require paid vacation?  Surely not.  But if "paid sick days" are required, what is the obvious effect?  First, employers wil simply reduce paid vacation days.  You say that you won't let them get away with that.  You will require that paid sick days not be taken off of vacation, AND require a certain number of vacation days.  Uh-huh. Notice how the CONTORL of employers keeps escalating, as government asserts the right to conmtrol the details of how employers operate (reducing FREDOM).  What do you do when employers then offset the cost of government required sick/vacation days by REDUCING WAGES (and/or number of employees)?  Oh, you will prevent that by regulating wages?  There you are, with leftist/Obama type socialism where the government regulates every aspect of our lives. 

Good luck.

P.S.  Do not doubt that the real goal here is still federal government central planning and control.  The story makes that clear.  The "state law" alpproach is not a sudden converstion to federalism (supposedly our Constitutional system of limited federal government). It is just another leftist tactic to try to get to the real goal of federal control.


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