Monday, August 18, 2008

Rissoa. Georgia and McCain

Obama is "complaining" today that McCain is tring to make him look unpatriotic and weak.  The problem for Obama, of course, is that it is OBAMA that is making Obama looke weak.

See yesterday's entry about Obama's incredible non-answer in that evangelical forum about what to do about evil (Obama seeming to fail to recognize the difference between truly threatening evil and merely garden variety human evil, and to have a general philosophy that you can sort of "confront" evil wtih speeches and negotiation).  That was a follow up to Obama's incredibly weak ("can't they all just get along"--especially after we explain how they both need to recognize the error of their ways) response to Russia's INVASION of democratic Georgia.  Obama had to quickly revise that response to agree with John McCain's condemnation of Russia, after first claiming McCain "shot from the hip".

Who is it,, again, who is making Obama look "weak" on national secuirty?

Obama has STILL not been able to admit that he was WRONG on the troop surge on Iraq, while McCain was RIGHT.  Obama just refuseses to acknowledge that the troop surge has worked, even after everyone else has.  That the troop surge has worked does not, of course, mean that the invasion of Iraq was correct (although that incredible, leftist perversity that we needed to do something about the evil in DARFUR, while we did not need to do anything about the greater evil of Saddam Hussein, is sanctimonious hypocrisy at its worst).  However, the troop surge SAVED BOTH AMERICAN AND IRAQI LIVES, and kept terrorists from winning in Iraq (and us from LOSING).  To continue to acknowledge the success of the troop surge is to suggest that you WANTED the U.S. to LOSE in Iraq.


McCain, of course, advocatedthe troop surge, IN FORESIGHT, for years.  He was proven right.

Now McCain has been proven right on the Putin led Russia.  For some time, McCain has been warning about Russia, and suggesting, for example, that Russia be kicked out of the G-8 group of nations for its newly aggressive actions. 

The Georgian invasion would suggest that McCain has been proven right, IN FORESIGHT, yet again. 

Obama's speeches are always given IN HINDSIGHT, as if people are supposed to give Obama credit for delifering a good speech AFTER THE FACT  Obama's entrie campaing, of course, seems to be based on speeches rather than record of accomplishment (or even advocacy of correct positions, IN FORESIGHT rather than hindsight, or for political expediency).

Who is it again that is making Obama seem weak on foreign policy and national security?

He IS weak.  I admit that it is mean of McCain to point that out, when Obama might have expected McCain to keep criticizing conservatives and leave him alone.

The American public might end up being similarly MEAN to Obama, if they wake up and realize how unqualified to be President he really is.

P.S.  I told you at the beginning of this general election campaign that my entries were likely to give the impression that I support McCain, because leftists are so bad and the leftist mainstream media is so much a part of the Obama campaign.  This means I have to point out when they are wrong, and even when McCain is right.  It does not mean I actually support McCain, which I do not, even though I keep hoping he will somehow give me a reason to hold my nose and vote for him.  Obama is a truly dangerous candidate--dangerous to this country.  McCain should NOT believe that people like me will "come around", no matter what he says or does (like VP choice).  We will not.   McCain has to do something to give me a reason to vote FOR him.  Voting against Obama is not going to be enough reason for me.

P.S. 2:  Is not it reason enough to vote for McCain that he is so much superior in foreign policy, and Obama so weak.  Not quite, for me.  I voted for President Bush against Kerry on that basis, but I have reached the end of my rope in watching the President sabotage conservatives.  Even though antional security is A reason to vote for McCain, and obviously an important reason, I am not willling to continue to betray conservatism on that basis alone.  I need some indication that McCain will not be a DISASTER for conservatives, and ultimately for this country (domestically, and therefore ultimately internationally as well).  I still have no such indication, and many indications to the contrary.



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