Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gustav: Wolf Blitzer, LIAR

"The Gulf coast is now in Trouble."

The above statement is objectively a LIE.  It is not a matter of opinion.  It is a LIE.

You may have wondered how a person can lie about a hurricane.  Well, Wolf Blitzer managed it, and I think the mainstream media rgularly does the same sort of thing, or at least close to it.

Yep.  I don't watch CNN either.  But I have been surfing even places I do not even surf anymore, just to keep up on McCain's VP choice.  I know.  Logically, I will find out, and it doess not matter when I find out. But I am curous (which the TV people count on in hunting for a USELESS scoop--we will all know by 11:00 a.m. EDT tomorrow.

For the record, Gustav is not even IN the Gulf of Mexico.  It is not even now a hurricane.   It is PROJECTED to go into the Gulf of Mexico, but that is NOT A FACT.  It is projected to go into the Gulf of Mexico as a major hurricane, but that is NOT A FACT.  It is all projectioin and SPECULATION.  Further, the WHOLE Gulf Coeast is NOT "in ttrouble".  It is highly unlikely that Gustav will strike omore than one place on the Gulf Coast.  So the CORRECT statement (one not a Wolf Blitzer LIE) is:  "Some part of the Gulf Coast MAY be in trouble by early next week."

What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to be a modern, mainstream "journalist", or TV host, interested only in HYPE.

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