Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hispanic Hisoric Moment: Will I Be Responsible?

After I posted the previous entry, I realized something.  I could be responsible for a MORE "historic" moment that the nomination of Barack "World" Obama. 
I have mentioned before that my daughter, Kyla, has ambitions to be ruler of the world, with the Presidency of the United Stats as a STEPPING STONE.  Both of my daughters are 50% (same percentage as Obama is "African-American") Hispanic.
Since Hillary LOST, Kyla still has an opportunity (although she is now only 24) to be the FIRST woman President of the U.S.  Further, she will perhaps have the opportunity to be the FIRST Hispanic President of the U.S. (a LARGER "minority" than Obama's).
Will I be INTERVIEWED by these networks some time as to what it feels like to be the father of such an HISTORIC figure?  Maybe.  First, of course, I have to live that long.
I am not quite as doubtful about Kyla eventually becoming President.  You know that person who said Hilalry Clinton would add MACHISMO to Obama?  Well, Kyla would add MACHISMO to ANYBODY.  Be prepared.  You may have another "historic moment" in your lifetime.  Just don't say you never though it possible, now that I have TOLD/WARNED you. 

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