Saturday, August 16, 2008

Obama: Pro-Infanticide

You have seen the story multiple times before.  I certainly have in  El Paso (although certainly not as frequently recently as the stories about drug cartel violence across the border in Juarez, in that FAILED COUNTRY of Mexico--with another story yesterday about six people being gunned down by gunmen invading some function or other). 
An 18 year old has a baby she doesn't want.  She proceeds to smother the baby, or simply to discard the baby in the trash.  That, of course, means that she will be most likely charged with a CRIME of some degree of MURDER, or at least with child endangerment.  If you realize what has happened over the last 40 years, you will realize that the fanatic member of PLANNED PARENTHOOD (the most evil organization on this planet, outside of al-Qaida and similar terrorist organisations) should actually be charged with the crime. But that is only an ancillary point of this entry.
Segue to a hospital in Illinois, while barack "World" Obama was a state senator (the only political job he ever performed before deciding to run for President).  Children born alive are routinely discarded by the hospital into a dirty storage room to die--occasionally thrown in the trash.  That is the testimony of a hospital NURSE before Obama's committee.  There is NO CRIME--not murder, manslaughter, or child endangerment. 
What is the difference (other than the fact that the hospital in Illinois, and the Planned Parenthood type fanatcis who defend this practice, is MORE EVIL than that 18 year old mother)?
You guessed it.  The discarded, born alive, babies in that Illinois hospital were really intended as a type of ABORTION--not "partial birth abortion" where the baby is MURDERED in the delivery, but "induced labor abortion" where labor is induced at a time when the baby is not expected to be able to survive.  "Unfortunately", SOME of those "induced labor" aborted babies are capable of survival.  However, the mediacl people, the hospital, and Planned Parenthood (along with other leftist, pro-abortion fanatics like Obama) have no intention of LETTING the baby survive.  Hence, no medical care was provided for the babies born alive ("universal medical care" not being a goal for THOSE human beings).
Enter Barack "World Obama".  A bill wasintroduced THREE TIMES in the Illinois legislature to require medical care be given to babies born alive (NO BABY born of homo sapiens is capable of surviving without adult help).  For three consecutive years, Obama was the PRIMARY opposition to that legislation--succeeding in leading the opposition that blocked it (with the help of those evil fanatics of Planned Parenthood).   
Obama had claimed that the Illinois legislation was different from the similar Federal legislation that had been introduced.  However, the third time the bill was amended to be basically identical to the Federal legistation, and Obama STILL VOTED AGAINST IT (not that there was any excuse for this fanatic opposition the previous two years). 
This is the man who has managed to get the mainstream media to adopt the view that ALL of the Jerome Corsi book, "The Obama Nation", is a bunch of lies.  Between Jerome Corsi, Obama, and the mainstream media, Corsi is the MORE reliable source (despite too much willingness to buy into the irrelevancy of Obama's Muslim past).
Like Planned Parenthood, Obama has truly been pro-infanticide (beyond the fact that all abortions are the moral equivalent of infanticide).  To pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, fanatics, murdering a baby as it is being born, or AFTER it has been born (if you never intended it to live), is just fine.
I repeat what I have said before:  this man (Obama) should not be President of the United States.  He should not be dogcatcher of Mena, Arkansas (where I was born), or Mt. Ida Arkansas, where I spent my childhood.
I only wish I thought much better of John McCain (better on abortion, but--see yesterday's entry--hardly showing any passionate conviction on the subject. 
P.S.  Yes, as in partial birth abortion, many abortion clinics will try to make sure the baby, in an induced labor abortion, is DEAD before it is born.  Only Planned Parenthood fanatics, and radical leftists like Obama, would consider this a "humane" "solution" to this whole problem of "induced labor abortions" ending up as bavies born alive.
P.S. 2:  What happened to that Federal legislaton, as Obama BLCOKED similar legislation in Illinois?  It passed the Senate 98 to 0.  Hillary Clinton voted for it.  Ted Kennedy voted for it.  Obama was not in the Seanate yet.  However, did he not illustrate that one of those supposed "lies" about him is true?  Of course he did.  Obama showed hiself MORE a "readical leftists" than any Democratic member of the U.S. Senate.  Obama has a RECORD of being as fanatic a leftist as there is in this coutnry.  It is only his SPEECHES that say different.  WHO is the "liar" here?

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