Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hilary Clinton: No Win for Obama

I did not listen to Hillary Clinton's "big speech".  Why should I?  Why should anyone (except her real fans--I supported her for President but hardly qualify as a real fan).  This media assumption that SPEECHES matter is one of the wonders of our time.  It (whatever is behind this strange media focus on WORDS) may partly explain why Obama's campaign is ALL aobut speeches, whith no record behind them.

Doesn't matter.  Hillary Clinton's speech could not help Barack "World" Obama.  If it were a bad speech, it could hardly help.  Yet, the better the speech was, the WORSE Obama looks.  This is the woman he PASSED OVER for Vice President.  If she completely ouclasse Joe Biden (likely), then what does that say about Obama picking Biden for VP, and not even CONSIDERING Hillary Clinton.  Deosn't say much for Obama, does it?

Nope.  There was just no way for Obama to win last night.  And tonight holds little promise for beng better.  Oh, the mainstream media is sure to exclaim over how "brilliant" Joe Biden's speech is, because they are in the tank for Obama.   But what if Biden is outclassed by BOTH Clintons--Hillary and Bill.  Can that possibly be good for Obama?

Then Obama is going to do a McCain campiagn commercial on Thursday, playing "the One" in Mile HIgh stadium on a GREEK TEMPLE type stage.  Who could make this stuff up?  John Elway Obama isn't. 


Only McCain could possibly lose this election, and even he may not be able to do it.

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