Tuesday, August 19, 2008

McCain's VP: Governor Crist

My guess (rather than a "prediction", since the whole thing is up to the whim of McCain at the time) as to McCain's VP choice has not changed.  I still think it will be Governor Crist. 

Nope.  This is NOT one of those "predictions" which are really advocacy.  In fact, Governor Cirst is NOT my preferred choice (which would be Jindal or Romney).  I will NOT vote for a McCain/Crist ticket (much less a McCain/Ridge ticket). 


I simply call them as I see them   McCain owes Crist for Florida, which gave McCain the nomination.  I think Crise is McCain's type of "moderate" Republican (death, in other words, to conservatives).  Even though McCain will proably win Florida without Crist, that choice would enable McCain to pretty much ignore Florida as a battleground. 

No confidence at all that I know how McCain's mind workds (thank God!!!).  But my guess is still Gov. Crist.

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