Inevitably, the Catholic Church as come out and said that Nancy Pelosi MISREPRESENTED the position of the Catholic Church when she said that the Church did not have a position on when human life begins (see earlier entry today). One of the DECEPTIONIS, by the way, that Pelosi had used was to say that Catholic doctors had disagreed over the centuries as to when life began (SO WHAT is the proper response here, to this total DECEPTION, especially if they are doctors that are as "Catholic" as Nancy Pelosi).
A Catholic Church spokesman or spokesmen came forth and noted that it has been the position of the Catholic Church (then the ONLY Christian church) since the 1st Century A.D. that human life begins at conception. That was, of curse, even before science confirmed that a genetically distinct, separate (from the mother, although growing inside her) being was formed at conception. In case you are arithmentic challeneged, that means that the Catholic Church has had the same official position on abortion--that human life begins at conception--for almost TWO THOUSAND YEARS.
This forced Pelosi to issue a statement (as she is constantly being forced to do to address one stupidity or another). The statement said that she was raised in a "dvoted Catholic family" that did not always agree with her "pro-choice" views. Read the previous statement that I QUOTED in my prior entry, where Pelosi asserted that her pro-abortion position is "consistent" with her "pro-choice" views. Was she LYING in that statement? As I have said, how can you tell with a woman this bone deep STUPID.
In her most recent statement, Pelosi acknowledged (as she had to, although she tried to say something different when asked about the beginning of human life on "Meet the Press") that Catholic "teaching" (DECEPTION to the very end--the correct term is Catholic DOCTRINE; that is, the OFFICIAL Catholic position to which you are supposed to conform if you are a Catholic) is that human life begins at conception. However, Pelosi went on to say that many Catholics disagree with that "teaching". My question: Can you really call yourself a CATHOLIC and disagree with this fundamental a position of the church to which you supposedly belong--a question to which I cannot relate to well since I am not religious). But see that quote from Pelosi in my previous entry. She is NOT A CATHOLIC, under any possible interpretation of that term, and whether she says she is or not. She is saying that SHE has to make her own decisions on what she believes. Sorry. You are an intellectually dishonest HYPOCRITE if you claim to believe in ANY religion and take that position. As I said, my impression is that Pelosi is really an anti-religious, and anti-Catholic BIGOT (even though her theoretical position on religion seems remarkably close to mine, as an agnostic).
Was Pelosi deliberately lying on Meet the Press, or simply stupid? I think BOTH. I think she knew that she was being DECEPTIVE, but I don't think she was smart enough to even come up with a reasonable deception.
How can even a leftist support a woman like this? Well, unfortunately, as I have said before
Leftists lie. They lie often. They lie routinely, as a matter of course. They lie without guilt, in a "higher" cause than truth. They lie for political advantage.
Notice that Pelosi says that "many Catholics" (again, are they then really Catholics?) "disagree" with the Catholic Church "eaching" that human life begins at conception. But remember how this started. It started with OBAMA's statement that he DID NOT KNOW when human life began--a statement with which Pelosi agreed in response to being asked about it by Tom Brokaw. If Peolsi DOES NOT KNOW when human life begins, how can she say she "DISAGREES" with the Catholic Church? At most, she merely disagrees with their CERTAINTY. You are right, however, if you think Pelosi has not thought about it this deeply. As I said, HER religion is leftist feminism, and abortion on demand is one of the core "faiths" of that religion. Reason has nothing to do with it.
P.S. Nope. I was NOT "raised" Catholic. I was raised Presbyterian. However, the day I do not know more abut the Catholic religion, and the history of it, than Nancy Pelosi is the day I know I have become senile. Remember that Pelosi told Brokaw that she has made a "deep study" of this subject (Catholic position on abortion--what she really meant, of course, is that she has read up on PRO-ABORTION PROPAGANDA). The woman is a walking embarrassment. She had better hope that we never get to the point that people have to QUALIFY to be considered "human beings". For her, there is no chance.
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