Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Oil: The Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson By Leftist Gods

Harry "Dirty Oil" Reid (nickname came from this quote) said in an interview that oil was dirty stuff (true as far as it goes, although it is NATURAL suff, just like wood), BETTER LEFT IN THE GROUND.  This was Reid's reasn for not supporting more drilling.  It is the REAL reason that leftist Democrats do not support more drilling.
See my previous entry.  Leftists WANT high gasoline prices, because they want us to STOP using gasoline and oil, even at the cost of our economy and our lifestyle.  It is no accident that Nancy Pelosi has said that she has blocked a vote on drilling to SAVE THE PLANET.  Again (see previous entry), Reid and Peloosi, following the leftist line, WANT us to be PUNISHED for the damage we are doing to the planet (in their view).  This is truly the leftist view of the Sodom and Gomorrah lesson.  Leftists WANT us in the United States to SUFFER--especially if the suffering can be USED to advance the leftist political agenda.
You doubt me?  Oh, you really are a FOOL. 
Yesterday, and today, AOL has been featuring another one of those AP IMPACT stories (translation:  Leftist, anti-American propaganda story from the "Anti-American,Despicable Associated Press").  The AOL scare headline, unsupported by the story itself, was:
"Government Fuel Tanks May Be Leaking Into Water."
The actual non-story (worth maybe a two paragraph side story on page 25 of a newspaper) was as follows:
"There has been no documentation of reported leaks or harm to communities from the FEMA tanks, Wing said, although former agency officials and congressional testimony suggest that the federal tanks have long been considered a problem."
Isn't the above paragraph MARVELOUS (sarcasm)?  So there is NO EVIDENCE of a real problem, but some "officials" believe we should be inspecting these fuel tanks to see if there is a possible problem. If the mainstream media used SPUCULATION standards like this on John Edwards, his infidelity would have come out a YEAR earlier, and the whole Presidential race might have been different.  Actually, if the AP had simply used ordinary "journalistic" skepticism, the Edwards story would have come out a year ago, but we know the agenda there too.
Yep, this was ANOTHER one of those 1,000 word AP/AOL stories (see weekend's Flying, Fickle, Finger of Fate entry, and multiple entries in the previous week, about the KOREAN WAR SMEAR of the U.S. by the despicable AP and AOL).  And this "story" is NOTHING.  There is NO evidence of a real problem--merely speculation that there MIGHT be a problem.  Gee, how horrible it must be to be a leftist, and see nothing but EVIL and disaster everywhere.  Note, by the way, that this particular "problem" is decades old, and NOT "created" by the Bush Administration--except in the hate filled minds of leftists like those reporting for the AP.
It gets worse.  It always does with the despicable AP, and AOL "News".  The story goes on to suggest that there are 50,000 possibly leaking fuel tanks "buried" in the U.S.  This, of course, is a KNOWN problem (disposing of old fuel tanks like those buried in abandoned gasoline stations) at LEAST 30 years old. 
Has it "poisoned" our water yet?  Don't be silly.  Yes, it is something that has to be addressed--NOT necessarily by the Federal Government, but Federal regulations do apply to much of this.  There is NO indication that this is any kind of BIG problem.  It is just a matter that we have to handle, like any number of "problems". 
To leftists, however--which fully explains the agenda behind this story--this "problem" PROVES that Harry "Dirty Oil" Reid and Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi are right--that we have to be PUNISHED for our environmental sins, and that we have to STOP using oil and fuel (at ANY cost), to SAVE THE PLANET.
And you wonder why your gasoline prices are so high!!!!  Aren't you glad that leftist gods like Reid and Pelosi--not to mention high priest Al Gore--are inflicting their own version of Sddom and Gomorrah punishment on the U.S.

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