Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Barack "World" Obama: First African-American Presidential Nominee, or Just Another White Guy?

 I saw the "moment" that Barack "World" Obama was nominated as the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States. 
You may have noticed by now that I am cynical as heck, and not impressed by emotional hype. This is an illustration.  Nope. I do NOT  think this is some sort of "watershed" historic event.  Oh, you can't argue that Obama is the first person who LOOKS African-American who has ever been nominated for President of the United States.  But we still have not had a WOMAN, an ORIENTAL, an INDIAN (Native American OR from India), a JEW, an Italian? (no, I don't know either), a Pole (again, I don't really know), a SWEDE (ditto), an ARAB, a MORMON,  and so on.  I see no reason why ANY of those cannot be nominated, with the right candidate, and I consider it an INSULT to this country to say (as ALL of the cable networks and media are now saying) that they could not previously IMAGINE an African-American winning nomination for President of the United States.  At this particular point in time, I think it would be MUCH more "iffy" for a MUSLIM to be nominated, almost alone among groups who have not been nominated, which explains the internet attacks on Obama as a Muslim.
First, is Obama really African-American?  No, this is not some subtle point, or outrageous smear.  I have no question that Obama is 50% African-American.  And he "looks" "black" (in a visible, mixed race sense).  So what.  What is the DEFINITION of "African-American."  The dirty little sescret, for both redneck bigots and leftist bigots, is that there is NONE.  Unlike Obama, I see an obvious DEFINITION as to when each individual human life begins (see this week's entries, I think extending into last week).   But I have never SEEN a defintion of what an African-American is, except from the old Ku Klux Klan types.  Is 10% enough?  Is 20% enough?  Do you have to "look" "black"?  Do we go back to the infamous Black Code definitions of the WHITE RACISTS.  That would be ironic, wouldn't it.  I think so.  To suggest that we should ADOPT the racist attitudes of the post-Confederate South strikes me as RACIST in itself. I have previously said so in this blog.  It is NOT post-racial to make this big a deal about this "historic" moment. It implies that we are still focused entirely too much on race, when we should be going beyond it.  If I were a TV commentator, I would say that it is more significant that Obama is of MIXED race, because that is the "future" of humanity.  You can see why I woould be fired as a TV commentator. 
What about this idea that all of these media types, and commentators, could never imagine an African-American being elected President in their lifetimes.  What a PUNY imagination these people have!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Am I saying that I could imagine, a year ago, that Obama would be nominated?  Nope.  Never occurred to me.  It was Hillary's turn, and Obama is UNQUALIFIED.
However, I definitely imagined that COLIN POWELL could have been nominated.  Remember (was it 1996 or 2000?) when most, or at least many, people assumed the nomination was Powell's for the asking (certainly the VICE PRESIDENCY, which would be a stepping stone to the top spot).  I did not go that far, and did not support Powell because of his suspect conservatism, but I could IMAGINE Colin Powell being nominated to be President.  Are these media people saying that they could not IMAGINE Colin Powell being nominated to be President of the United States some time in the future, if he went after the job?  Are "journalists" really admitting to being that STUPID?  I think they are. You will remember that Colin Powell removed HIMSELF from consideration, when it was assumed that the Vice Presidential spot was absolutely his for the asking.
Then there is Condi Rice.  A number of Republicans wanted HER to run for President this time--AFrican-American AND a woman.  Somehow the "historic" part did not seem to be pushed in her case.  Michael Steele ran for the Senate in Maryland.  I think he would have been the first black Senator from Maryland, and one of the FEW ever elected to the United States Senate.  No hype over how "historic" that would be.
How do Democrats manage to suggest that it is only DEMOCRATS that matter here.  Don't forget Clarence Thomas--only the second African-American named to the U.s. Supreme Court.
Yes, I AM cynical--too cynical, even in my own mind.  It does not make for being a good person.  However, I ask you t evaluate whether I am being TOO cynical here.  I don't think so (to quote "Monk" once again).
P.S.  Some people--Tony this means YOU--have questioned whether I watch more of this stuff than I claim, because I somehow seem to see all of these things.  He was talking about the MSNBC comments (where I swore off even surfing MSNBC years ago in this blog, but have modified my policy SLIGHTLY for this convention to get a feel for the leftist propaganda being put out).  As I told Tony, you might consider how BAD MSNBC is when I see these things in about a MINUTE of surfing a day.  However, you might wonder hoe I came to see the anointing--oops!, I mean nomination ob Obama when I have said I am not watching the convention.  It might almost make you believe there is a God (either operating for my benefit or to get me in trouble--take your pick).  I had just finished watching a rerun of "Maverick" on the Western Channel, and I turned to see the panel discussion at the end of Brit Hume's show on Fox (as I often do).  THERE IT WAS.  The roll call was on, and I got to see Hillary move to nominate Obama by acclamation, and the subsequent love fest.  THAT is how I became a part of history, at least through my television set.    

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