Wednesday, August 13, 2008

McCain Supports Georgia; Despicable AP Supports Obama, or Is It Putin?

"John McCain's chief foreign policy adviser and his business partner lobbied the senator or his staff on 49 occasions in a 3 1/2-year span while being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars by the government of the former Soviet republic of Georgia.
The payments raise ethical questions about the intersection of Randy Scheunemann's personal financial interests and his advice to the Republican presidential candidate who is seizing on Russian aggression in Georgia as a campaign issue."
The above represents the attempt today by the despicable AP, and AOL, to defuse the obvious conclusion that John McCain is better fit to handle somehint like the present Russian-Georgia crisis than Barack "World" Obama.  That is because Obama is not fit at all, as indicated by his initial reaction to this crisis best summarized as:  "Can't we all just get along", while ignoring the INVASION by Russia of a democratic ally of the U.S.
This one is FUNNY.  The only "ethical" question here is is whether the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press", and AOL, should be REGISTERED parts of the Oama campaign.
Georgia is a DMOCRATIC ALLY of the U.S.A.  WHY is McCain supposed to refuse to listen to mere ADVICE from someone whose business was paid to lobby for U.S. ALLY?  Despite the heroic efforts of the despicable AP to DISTORT this situation, in its official position as arm of the Obama campaign.  
What is worse?  Is it that McCain allows supporters of one of our ALLIES to give him input, or that Obama accepts advice from people associated with, which called General Petraeus "General Betray Us".  Now if these advisors were HIDING something, or associated with our enemies, there might be a problem.  As it is, this is FUNNY/stupid, and says much more about the despicable AP than about McCain.
P.S:  Have you ever HEARD of the guy named by the desicable AP?  Of course you have not. Is this person really the "chief foreign policy advisor" of McCain?  Of course not, in any meaningful way (whatever his title, and the AP does not make it clear--as usual--in its lead paragraph of exactly what connection the named person has with the McCain campaign.  When McCain has access to the TOP military and foreign policy advisors of the WORLD, including McCain himself and the Vice President and President of the U.S., I stand by my assertion that this story is COMICAL.  It is absurd to suggest that "monetary interest" of a mere campaign advisor is imortant to McCain's reaction to the Russia-Georgia crisis--McCain to this point showing the obvious fact that he is ready for this sort of thing, without NEED of lots of briefing, while Obama is not.  The desicable AP will not convince anyone otherwise, no matter how much it tries. 

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