Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama: Pro-Infanticide and Pro-Abortion

Obama is stuck with his multiple year blocking of laws against infanticide in the Illinois legislature, establishing him as a radical leftist on abortion and infanticide. See the entry early tins week about how Illinois kept trying to require that babies born alive be kept alive (if possilbe), only to have Obama lead the fight against the law--leading the fight for infanticide.  This is despite Obama's statement that he would have voted for the Federal law requiring that efforts be made to keep such babies alive that are born alive, even if the intent was that they die (an abortion technique called "induced labor abortion).  That federal law passed 98 to 0 in the Senate, but Obama BLOCKED the same law in the Illinois legislature (while doing his best to misrepresent those actions).  Obama has taken some flak (if not enough) for those pro-infanticide votes, but not enough flak for that disgraceful answer to Pastor Rick Warren when Obama was asked when human life begings.
Obama answered that he did not know when life begins, as "science" and "religion" did not, because the answer was above his (Obama's) pay grade (strange thing for "the Messiah" to say).  Fully as much as his actions in the Illinois legislature, that answer exposed Obama as a radical leftist on abortion.  As this week's previous entry showed, this evasive "answer" is the truly monstrous, leftist answer dating back DECADES.  It is the answer that presumes that it is totally arbitrary as to when we CHOOSE to regard human life as being in existence, since we cannot know.  That is a monstrous position.  It is an evil position.  I described Philip K. Dick's short story, "The Prepersons", about a society taking this logic to its logical conclusion, and evaluating children at age 10 to see if they are "qualified" to be "human", or should be terminated before they obtain that status.  Let us examine this a little further.
What does that Obama evasion really say?  It says that it is fine to commit what MIGHT be murder, simply because people like Obama take the position that they don't know when human life begins.  That means that they are saying that women and medical personnel are being given the power to make that decision THEMSELVES--the decision that Obama says is "above his pay grade" (that is, God's).  In other words, this position assumes that it is okay to let pregnant women and medical personnel play God.  Now, in reality, the only reasonable definition of human life is that it begins at conception, because once past that point there is NO point at which you can logically say that a "human being" is on one side of the dividing line and only a mass of tissue is on the other side.   But to say that it is okay to KILL a fetus when we DON'T KNOW wheter it is human is a monstrous thing, when you think about it.
Remember that leftist campaign against killing dolphins, because we DON'T KNOW how intelligent they are, and we MIGHT be killing self-aware creatures.  For that matter, PETA types, with leftist sympathy, don't want us to "experiment" on animals, because they are livng things (as a fetus clearly is).  Thus, leftists are in the position of saying that the law can protect DOGS, but that it is a sacred "right" for women to be allowed to KILL a fetus, which Obama admits MAY be a human being. Look at that last sentence carefully, and tell me it is not monstrous.
As far as Obama is concerned, and this is what he told Rick Warren, it is okay to KILL a creature which MIGHT be a "human being".  In what universe does that make sense?  It is, of course, perfectly consistent with Obama's position on infanticide in Illinois.  If it is okay to ARIBRARILTY say that, for convenience, we can CHOOSE who and/or what we choose to treat as a human being, because we have no idea as to a real definition and don't care if we are killing a creature that MIGHT be a "human being", then there is no real reson for infanticide to be a crime (other than the convenience of adults).
Don't you feel good that Obama, Planned Parenthood, and the ACLU feel that you are a "human being" ONLY because it is CONVENIENT (avoids problems) to so consider you?  You might well wonder what makes these people better than those who did not consider slaves, or Native Americans, "human beings" because it was inconvenient for them (slave owners and those dealing with "savages"). 
That is one of the reasons I have problem with religion.  "Liberal" churches go with Obama's radical leftist position that they don't really know when life begins--don't really know when God regards abortion as murder.  Now I have said why I regard infanticide and abortion as moral equivalents, because there is NO logical definition of why a baby is a human being that does not also qualify a fetus as a human being--the line from conception to death is a continuous one with no "break" where you can say something fundamental happens.  Sure, you COULD use an intelligence test ("The Prepersons"), but I reject that definition of humanity as morally indefensible.  To me, CONVENIENCE, based on the Obama concept that the definition is totally unknowable and arbitrary, is an non-starter.  I don't care what God's position is.  That is mine.
But what if you DO pretend (you can't really, can you?) to care what God's position is.  What if you really DON'T KNOW when a fetus has a human soult?  Are you telling me that you are willing to RISK sanctioning wholesale murder because you DON'T KNOW?  You are willing to expose people to ETERNAL DAMNATION because you DON'T KNOW, and therefore are willing to let every individual person act as his or her own God?   Give me a break.  You may think my position on not caring what God thinks is a little arrogant.  But your positon is the SAME.  You can't possibly care what God thinks, if you are willing to RISK breaking His most fundamental commandment when the issue is DOUBTFUL.  At the same time, many of you are willing to look kindly on PETA activists who dump blood on people who wear furs because of your respect for living creatures.
Do you wonder why I have little respect for the pro-abortion position?  In the end, the arguments for it are MONSTROUS, and as arrogant as it gets.  For any religion to sanction it just tells me that the members of that religion are no different from me:  They don't care what God thinks. 
Whenever you see Obama, consider this:  Obama does not KNOW if I am human; it is just a matter of CONVENIENCE, and arbitrary choice, to him.

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