Friday, August 29, 2008

Sarah Palin and Sex Discrmination: A Primer (Doris Kerns Goodman Again Guest Stars)

Enough fun.  Let us do some serious analysis.
Can we expect sex discrimination against Sarah Palin?  Sure we can, especially since the leftist mainstream media is willing to condone it, or even encourage or lead it.
For example, Joe Biden made a GAFFE in his acceptance speech.  It was not simply a slip of the tongue.  It was in the TEXT of the prepared speech.  Biden said that Obama was proposing sending three BATTALIONS of additional troops to Afghanistan.  What Obama has actually proposed is sending three additional BRIGADES to Afghanistan.  A brigade is 3 times the size of a battalion.  This is a mistake that calls into question whether Biden even UNDERSTOOD exactly what Obama was proposing, or else had no idea of the difference  between a brigade and a battalion. 
Okay, despite this, I would agree it is not really a big deal.  Just one of those slips that occur no matter how careful you are.  After all, we old white guys (Biden and me) have to stick together (those times when I am not in my Native American mode, because of my Native American--5-10%--"blood", at which times Joe Biiden is one of the "white eyes").  I am willing to give Biden a break on this one.
The mainstream media was more than willing to give him a break.
Another example (among many with Obama):  Obama called Iran a "tiny" country, in comparison with Russia and China, when he was trying to MINIMIZE the threat from Iran.  I don't care how you look at it.  That is the WRONG way to look at Iran, even if it is smaller than Russia and China.  I am not so willing to give Obama a pass on this one, but the mainstream media was, as on any number of Obama misstatements (587 states, 10,000 people dying in that tornado in Kansas, and etc.). In isolation, most of these mistakes were hardly very important. Sometimes they were more significant. The common denominator is that the mainstream media was willing to give Obama pretty much a pass on these things.
Now we get to the sex discrimination.  What if Palin makes a similar mistake in her acceptance speech, or some other context?  What if she calls a battalion a brigade, or refers to Iran as a "tiny" country, or a country in "Europe" (or some such thing). 
The sex discrimination, which has an ideological compoent, of course, is to OVERHYPE the mistake--to say that Palin calling a "battalion" a "brigade" is CONCLUSIVE evidence that she doesn't know what she is talking about. 
That IS sex discrimiantion, even if the "criticism" is true.  It is treating a woman DIFFERENTLY than you treat the same type of mistake by the old white guy (or the young half-black guy).
It is the same type of SEX DISCIMINATION to start trying to ACCUMULATE minor mistakes, while not doing the same thing with the guys, in order to suggest that together they are more significant than in isolation.
I alert you to all of this in advance, so that you can properly evaluate sex discrimination against Sarah Palin when you see it. 
P.S.  As a concrete example of the above, refer to my criticimsms of Doris Kerns Goodman below. First, she suggests that Palin is a bad choice because she is too inexperienced to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.  Then she suggests that the same problem does not exist with Obama, even though he will (if he wins) be THE President (rather than a "heartbeat away").  Goodman says that "we have a comfort level with Obama."  (I don't, and the Joe Biden choice suggests others do not, but hat is anoter can of worms).  Is this not SEXISM? Sure it is.  Similarly, Goodman, in effect, says that McCain chose Palin because she will not stand up to him, and give him advice he doesn't like.  That is even more blatant sexism.  Is this not a BETTER explanation for Obama's choice.  It is hard to find where Biden NOW disagrees with Obama.  Is not Goodman merely ASSUMING that he will do so because he is an old white guy, and Palin is only a GIRL.  I think so.  There is simply no doubt that HILARY CLINTON would have stood up to Obama more than Biden.  Meanwhile, Palin stood up against the ENTIRE Republican establishment in Alaska, while showing an ability to form allliances for reform with DEMOCRATS.   Goodman should be CONDEMNING Obama, and praising McCain and Palin, under her own logic.  Okay, she thought she could get away with it because she is a POLITICAL HACK.  But WHY did she think she could get away with this upside down analysis?  The only explanation is that Goodman thinks she can play on the image of WOMEN as deferring to men.

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