Friday, August 22, 2008

McCain and Age Polls: Bias?

As I have said before, there are few things that would be better for this nation than to eliminate polls.  Yes, we (the public) CAN accomplish that, without a Constitutional Amendment, just by LYING to pollsters.  Already, polls have become so obviously ridiculous (both wrong and disagreeing with each other so radically that no rational person can believe their pretense to "scientific" accuracy) that polls should have been discredtied.  However, the media have become so intellectually and journalistically bankrupt that they have NOTHING ELSE.  "Polls" are the only way they know how to "report" on an election.
Since I know that polls are meaningless, and even evil things, I refuse to gloat when polls "agree" with what I want to be true.  Thus, unlike (say) Rush Limbaugh, I don't get encouraged by Obama "sinking" in the polls, even though I want Obama to lose (without wanting McCain to win).
One of the many evils of polls is the deliberate, or inadvertent, BIAS of the QUESTIONS.  I saw a CNBC commentator comment on one such bias in present polls--a bias that even I, with my skepticism and awareness of the subtle bias in the QUESTIONS, had not fully appreciated.
You know the question.  Potential voters are asked some variation of whether John McCain's AGE concerns them, or is a factor in whether he should be elected President.  Leftists, of course--sanctimonious, dishonest hypocrites that they are perfectly willing to engage in AGEISM with regard to McCain, while asserting that ANY criticism of Obama is racism (just as leftists are fully willing to engage in religious BIGOTRY with regard to Mit Romeny).  That, however, is not the bias here.  That is just the hypocrisy.
The BIAS here is asking about McCain's age, and failing to ask about Obama's (as pointed out by the CNBC host).  How can you ask about whether McCain is TOO OLD to be President, and not ask about whether Obama is TOO YOUNG to be President.  You should also ask whether Obama is TOO INEXPERIENCED to be President (a variation on the age question).  If you fail to ask the negative Obama questions, but do ask the negative McCain questions, then your poll is BIASED (besides being meaningless in the first place).  That is true whether or not you intend the bias, as it always is on any poll beyond the most simple("Who do you intend to vote for").
Yes, I AM telling you that all of this "analysis of voter attitudes, based on polls as to those attitudes on specific "issues" or candidate "qualifications",  are truly STUPID.  Further, such analysis is truly evil stuff, because it suggests unbiased "knowledge" that these polls do NOT provide.
I repeat once again: If you are a patriotic American, one of the primary things you can do for your country is to LIE to pollsters, or at least refuse to cooperate with them..

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