Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama and Hillary Clinton: Huge Head Fake?

Would Obama DARE Dis/humiliate Hillary Clinton this badly?  See previous entry.

It seems beyond belief.  The man can't be that arrogant/mad, can he? 

How, then, to explain the apparent (see article referenced in previous entry) STIFFING of Hillary Clinton for VP--not even giving her courtesy "consideration" as VP, much less the opportunity to turn it down (or say she did).

What if Hillary IS the choice.  Think how BRILLIANT that would be. What a head fake!!!!  Obama would be hailed as the Messiah all over again, willing to show infinite MERCY to his fallen foe.

Obama's "hint" today as to his (already made, but not announced) choice is that he has chosen no "yes man".  WHO could more clearly fit that description than Hillary Clinton?

Is it Hillary Clinton for VP then?  well, I don't predict it.  I just don't think Obama is that big a man--too arrogant by more than half.  However, I am uncertain.  It WOULD be a master stroke, after setting everybocy up for her NOT to be the choice. 

Mkes me nervous.  But it is out of my control, as it is out of yours, so all we can do is wait.


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