Friday, August 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton: My Candidate Is DISSED by Obama, Who Is Now a Dead Man Walking

This is from (where yyou can go to see full story, or use the link on Drudge):
"Obama has often said, most recently on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on July 27, that Clinton “would be on anybody’s short list.”

"But apparently not his." 

“She was never vetted,” a Democratic official reported. “She was not asked for a single piece of paper. She and Senator Obama have never had a single conversation about it. How would he know if she’d take it?”
Obama's "vetting team" evidently never met with Hillary Clinton, nor ever asked to.
We already know that Obama is a liar (among other things, see the entry earlier this week about Oama's lie concerning his pro-infangi icd
 vote in the Illinois legislature, even as New York City mourns today the death of the very kind of baby that Illinois hospitals were discarding in a utility room to die--referring to the 7th month fetus delivered, in "heroic efforts" Illinois hospitals regarded as abortions, at the time the baby's pregnant mother died in a tragic vehicle accident).
Now you may say that Obama's lie about Hillary being on "anyone's short list" was one of those political "lies" that everyone expects.  If you worry too much about politicians being totally honest on things like this, then you are living in a fantasy world, and will forever be disappointed. 
Still, whether you call what Obama said a "lie" or not, he has DISSED MY CANDIDATE.
If you have not regularly read this blog, you may be surprised to find out that Hillary Clinton was MY candidate for President (once McCain was the presumptive Republican nominee.  Yep.  It was no joke.  I promised to vote for Hillary Clinton, over McCain, in the hope that Hillary Clinton would be as good for conservatives as Bill Clinton was (plus the knowledge that McCain would be much wore for conservatives than Bill Clinton ever was).  Yes, Obama might be even better for conservatives, but Obama is just too dangerous for the country.  I have never doubted the country could survive the Clintons for another 4 years. I have losts of doubts about whether the country can survive 4 years of Obama (in anywhere near the generally superior country we presently are). 
In short, I voted for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary in Texas, and fully intended to vote for her in the general election.  That actually caused me a lot of mental pain, since Hillary Clinton hardly believes in what I believe--even if I had hopes for her as President. 
Now Obama has added INSULT to injury by DISSING MY CANDIDATE.  This is really hard to take.   After I went through agony in my very soul, and committed to Hillary Clinton, to have Obama just dismiss my choice as unworthy is distressing.
Barack "World" Obama has a lot to answer for--being probably the most arrogant man ever to run for President. 
However, would you really wish this on Obama--what is going to happen to him because he has dissed my candidate.  Oh. I know you realize it is not ME he has to worry about  It is HER.  Talk about a woman scorned!!!!!
What is she going to do to him?  I don't know.  I just know it is not going to be pretty (including some remote possibility that she may yet justify my confidence in her, and steal the nomination).
I actually heard people on CNN advocating that Obama pick Hillary Clinton for VP.  One of them (seriously--not a joke) strongly suggested that Clinton would add MACHISMO to the ticket.  CNN obviously believes, as I do, that Obama has arrogance, but no real MACHISMO.  (You may doubt me on this--you fool--but I assure you I could not make this up--the CNN panelist used that exact word:  MACHISMO.)
The man is doomed.  It may happen this year.  It may happen next year. It may happen four years from now.  But Barack "World" Obama is a dead man walking (figuratively).

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